“When Shorelight entered the market in 2014, Beijing Prepare was the very first agency we engaged with. From Day 1, they have been student-centric, innovative, thoughtful, and great collaborators. To us, they are more than business partners. They are our friends. And together we share a commitment to doing right by our students and helping to Educate the World.”
INTO commenced working with Beijing Prepare Education since 2013, and the relationship has gone from strength to strength over these years. Not only have Beijing Prepare become very good partners, but also very good friends, understanding and sympathetic to the needs of INTO and its Partner Universities. Today, Beijing Prepare is one of our most valued Education Agent partners in China. Beijing Prepare extends the highest level of service and care to both its institutional partners in China and overseas, as well as the students they assist. With Beijing Prepare’s constant help and support, we are immensely proud of the successful promotion of the INTO range of programmes in China. Both INTO and Beijing Prepare regularly meet and exchange intelligence about the constantly and rapidly changing international student recruitment market in China. We very much value Beijing Prepare as a highly professional, trustworthy and loyal partner. An absolute pleasure to work with Beijing Prepare.
INTO is a private sector, partnering organization transforming the internationalization strategies and student experience of its university partners worldwide, through a $2 billion investment program. In long-term joint ventures we deliver pathway courses for international students that lead to undergraduate and postgraduate study.
“ELS started to work with Beijing Prepare since 2016. We are great impressed with the professional US team of Beijing Prepare. The students they sent to us were all highly qualified. Beijing Prepare is one of our most valuable and important agents in China. We will work more closely with Beijing Prepare and we are confident our partnership will have a bright future!”
I have been working with Beijing Prepare about 8 years and even though I have changed institutions over that time, I have always continued to work with Beijing Prepare. They have always been extremely professional and conscience of the both the university and student they work with. Beijing Prepare is not only a business partner to me, but the people at Beijing Prepare I consider friends. I look forward to our continuous successful cooperation!
克拉克大学(Clark University)是一所世界一流的以文理教育为主的私立研究型大学,美国第一所完全是研究生院的大学,也是美国最早提供研究生课程的大学之一。
克拉克大学是美国大学协会(AAU)的创始成员之一,学校的第一任校长G. Stanley Hall是美国获得心理学博士的第一人,同时他也是美国心理学协会的创始人;A.A. Michelson教授是美国获得诺贝尔奖的第一人;Robert Goddard教授研究并成功发射了美国第一颗液体燃料火箭,被称为太空之父。
克拉克大学崇尚小班教学,平均每班上课人数仅为25人,99%以上教师拥有博士或以上学位。克拉克大学在2017年US News全美大学综合排名中位列第74名,属全美一级国家级大学。
We at San Francisco State University (SF State) have been collaborating with Beijing Prepare for more than 10 years. Beijing Prepare has done an outstanding job of preparing students who are interested in studying abroad. It has served thousands of Chinese students in successfully continuing their higher education overseas. SF State is pleased to partner with Beijing Prepare to provide first-rate education to these students.
旧金山州立大学(San Francisco State University,简称SFSU)为加州州立大学系统下的23所分校中最具名望的分校之一,始建于1899年,是一所拥有百年历史的公立大学,在美西地区享有很高的声誉。2016年《美国新闻与世界报道》美国西部大学排名50,最佳公共事务学院排名全美87,多个专业研究生排名前100,2013年全球高校网(4ICU)世界大学200强排名排名109,阿斯彭研究所工商管理学硕士MBA全球排名37,美国排名27。
Beijing Prepare has been a recruitment partner for UCLA Extension programs for a number of years. Students from Beijing Prepare have proven well-qualified, motivated, and good fits for UCLA Extension programs. We look forward to continuing success in our relationship with Beijing Prepare and value the professional services they provide students.
Founded in 1917, it is part of the University of California system, and all courses are approved by the University of California, Los Angeles, although it is financially self-supporting.UCLA Extension headquartered in Westwood, California, on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles. Classes are held at UCLA, in Downtown Los Angeles, and other locations throughout Los Angeles County, including Torrance.
“A growing number of American institutions of higher education are working with international education consultants. They look for a trusted local partner, with an influential network in China, and expert knowledge of US higher education. During my time at the University of Tennessee and now at the University of North Texas, Hector Liu and his team at Beijing Prepare Education have combined these qualities with top class service, to earn our trust as a premier partner in China. Beijing Prepare’s expertise and support covers a wide range of areas including marketing, recruitment, university partnership building, and development of academic programs. Together we have built a strong and successful partnership.”
“Beijing Prepare have introduced the University of South Alabama to great new educational partners in China. They have managed my China visits and travel. Because of their coordination, we are forming new successful agreements and educational opportunities for our students and faculty.”